ahhh so gratifying... the character design is amazing and the art makes me not want to blink. i love this world that you've created, with the cozy but unsettling vibes and the idea of magic so close to home (literally). also, so ready to be kidnapped by that beautiful boy in the wood (0.0).
If you need someone to help out with a Spanish version soy tu chique ;) por favor, no lo dudes jajaja. Muchas gracias por todo
If the full version of this game reveals that Lemon was in the cottage pie Mychael serves as your first meal, author you and I have beef now. In all seriousness I loved it I am glad to have managed to go home I truly thought we'd go to sleep at home and wake up back in the cabin again this felt like the where's the next episode moment in Toy Story 2.
GOD i love mychael so much, he needs love, i would totally live in the cabin with him, as long as i could still see friends. Vida is so pretty as well, i love the lil stimming. We NEED more info on those damn mushrooms. Im kinda worried they could hurt him due to them being invasive? Regardless I am obsessed with mushroom oasis. Its beautiful, fun, and the soundtrack is so peaceful. Excited for what's to come of it!!!
hello dear authors of the game ^^ I came across a question that I have been asking myself for quite some time: what will Michael do when he sees a 7-10 year old child in the forest far from the city? and what will he do if the child becomes afraid of him? I know that the question is quite stupid and unnecessary, but it has been bothering me since the 2nd day in the game :_(sorry in advance!
I must be tripping because 1-2 hours???? I think I spent around 6.. Might've been to invested in Mychael. (I found this game yesterday around 9pm and next thing I know it's like 4 in the morning)
Can't wait for the full version<3 Keep up the work because it is amazing!
Ok not to overeact or anything but... OMG I WAS PLAYING @ THAT EXACT TIME!! Like what the heck thats insane, for a second there i thought i left that comment but i guess not lol
(SPOILER!!!) I cried SO HARD in the route where we attack him and then he dies?????!!!! BROOOOOO I FEEL SO BAD but i love angst... so i played that route twice.. but yeah i didn't expect he would actually die... and his last words.. are very devastating.... i wish we were nicer to him in his dying moments.. like going to him and expressing our remorse.. or something, so he knows he wasn't alone at that moment
I've had this game saved for ages but for some reason never got around to playing it until now, and I regret how long it's taken because this is amazing! Getting all the endings really makes me want to see how the next days progress, I'm especially curious as to what on earth those mushrooms are. The MC is quite relatable (I feel so bad about their cat, I hope they're ok) and Mychael is a fantastic character, I was constantly flitting between finding him sweet and worrying about what he was up to. The art is incredibly beautiful too, really love the forest background and Mychael's design is amazing. Loved playing, definitely want to see more.
Ahhhh!! I regret not playing this sooner because i loved every minute i played!! Definitely need to try to get the other 2 endings to see how it varies. Anyways, i look forward to any updates for this game!! Keep up the amazing work!
randomly picked out a game bc i couldnt sleep...ended up staying up until 8am getting all the dialog.. i absolutely fell in love with this game and mychael <3 i cant wait for updates!
What is this? How could you be this talented and create this gorgeous, adorable pookie?? ILOVEIT! Please keep up the good work! And oh... I'm not in a hurry or something, so take your time~
Omg...Just finished all the dialog i could think of in this game and im in love! I can't wait for more days in this game to fully understand the story. Thank you so much for producing this!
POOKIE!!! I LOVED IT WAY 2 MUCH!! HE WAS SO FREAKING CUTE!! please update with more days!!!
this is SO one of my favourite games!! pookie i will be back with fan art!! THATS JUST HOW MUCH I LOVED IT!! hope i have given u all the encouragement u deserve!! Xx
This is an incredible game and I love it so much! The 'strange man' is such a loveable and thrilling character, the story is well-written and so so immersive with the gorgeous art and the different poses/expressions. Thank you so much for making it, I'm beyond excited to see more in the future.
Jogo fofo é perfeito, ainda mais por ter disponibilizado a versão em PT/BR, algo muito difícil em jogos assim. O desenvolvimento com Mychael é bem legal, tô ansiosa para a próxima atualização, ele é um fofo 🫶🏻🫶🏻 Espero que nós consigamos namorar com ele na próxima atualização, deve ser fofo um relacionamento entre eles dois, ainda mais sabendo que ele gosta dela ❤️❤️ Seria legal se a gente pudesse morar na floresta junto com ele, não li muito a lore mais vi que eles não conseguem se reproduzir, por conta disso seria legal ela ir a cidade para adotar alguma criancinha, que fofo seria né? Queria saber mais sobre a espécie dele já que ele aparenta não ter família, e sobre o que é aquela caixa debaixo da cama dele
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Háganle una traducción al español 🙏🙏
Probably one of the best yandere visual novel i've ever played🥰
the day day 4 gets released will be the day i get to rest in peace (in mycheals arms)
PLS i need day 4 sm, i wanna know what happens next... 😭😭😭
This game is so peak 😭😭😭😭
The best game ever 🚑🚑🚑🚑 :P
ahhh so gratifying... the character design is amazing and the art makes me not want to blink. i love this world that you've created, with the cozy but unsettling vibes and the idea of magic so close to home (literally). also, so ready to be kidnapped by that beautiful boy in the wood (0.0).
If you need someone to help out with a Spanish version soy tu chique ;) por favor, no lo dudes jajaja. Muchas gracias por todo
eu tô completamente apaixonada pelo Mychael. Por favor, traga mais dias. Mal posso esperar pra ver o jogo completo, pago a quantia que for!
I love this! but could you please make it playable on browser?🥺
¿Hay una versión en Español? Es que antes había uno y ahora ya no esta :(
Day 3 is literally everything I've ever wanted!!
I love this game so much. thank you Deersphere!!!
If the full version of this game reveals that Lemon was in the cottage pie Mychael serves as your first meal, author you and I have beef now. In all seriousness I loved it I am glad to have managed to go home I truly thought we'd go to sleep at home and wake up back in the cabin again this felt like the where's the next episode moment in Toy Story 2.
oh yeah! i thought the same
GOD i love mychael so much, he needs love, i would totally live in the cabin with him, as long as i could still see friends. Vida is so pretty as well, i love the lil stimming. We NEED more info on those damn mushrooms. Im kinda worried they could hurt him due to them being invasive? Regardless I am obsessed with mushroom oasis. Its beautiful, fun, and the soundtrack is so peaceful. Excited for what's to come of it!!!
hello dear authors of the game ^^ I came across a question that I have been asking myself for quite some time: what will Michael do when he sees a 7-10 year old child in the forest far from the city? and what will he do if the child becomes afraid of him? I know that the question is quite stupid and unnecessary, but it has been bothering me since the 2nd day in the game :_(sorry in advance!
try asking in the tumblr your more likely to get an answer there if the ask box is open :)
cant wait for the full release!!
I must be tripping because 1-2 hours???? I think I spent around 6.. Might've been to invested in Mychael. (I found this game yesterday around 9pm and next thing I know it's like 4 in the morning)
Can't wait for the full version<3 Keep up the work because it is amazing!
Ok not to overeact or anything but... OMG I WAS PLAYING @ THAT EXACT TIME!! Like what the heck thats insane, for a second there i thought i left that comment but i guess not lol
Edit: o(≧∇≦o) Same date and time!!
RAAAA I can't wait for the full game holy shit,, this is so cool!!
When is there gonna be a good ending😭🙏
mi ingles es muy malo :,b
I cried SO HARD in the route where we attack him and then he dies?????!!!! BROOOOOO I FEEL SO BAD but i love angst... so i played that route twice.. but yeah i didn't expect he would actually die... and his last words.. are very devastating.... i wish we were nicer to him in his dying moments.. like going to him and expressing our remorse.. or something, so he knows he wasn't alone at that moment
Love mychael buuuut I WANNA FIND MY KITTY
loved this so much i feel like crying, mychael they will never make me hate u 😭❤❤❤
I've had this game saved for ages but for some reason never got around to playing it until now, and I regret how long it's taken because this is amazing! Getting all the endings really makes me want to see how the next days progress, I'm especially curious as to what on earth those mushrooms are. The MC is quite relatable (I feel so bad about their cat, I hope they're ok) and Mychael is a fantastic character, I was constantly flitting between finding him sweet and worrying about what he was up to. The art is incredibly beautiful too, really love the forest background and Mychael's design is amazing. Loved playing, definitely want to see more.
I wish I had money to download it 🥲
you can download it for free tho
O jogo é simplesmente incrível, um dos melhores que já joguei e com certeza se tornou um dos meus preferidos. Ansiosa pela continuação!
Ahhhh!! I regret not playing this sooner because i loved every minute i played!! Definitely need to try to get the other 2 endings to see how it varies. Anyways, i look forward to any updates for this game!! Keep up the amazing work!
randomly picked out a game bc i couldnt sleep...ended up staying up until 8am getting all the dialog.. i absolutely fell in love with this game and mychael <3 i cant wait for updates!
What is this? How could you be this talented and create this gorgeous, adorable pookie?? ILOVEIT! Please keep up the good work! And oh... I'm not in a hurry or something, so take your time~
EEEEE Mychael is so adorableeeee can't wait for the updates :D
Omg...Just finished all the dialog i could think of in this game and im in love! I can't wait for more days in this game to fully understand the story. Thank you so much for producing this!
POOKIE!!! I LOVED IT WAY 2 MUCH!! HE WAS SO FREAKING CUTE!! please update with more days!!!
this is SO one of my favourite games!! pookie i will be back with fan art!! THATS JUST HOW MUCH I LOVED IT!! hope i have given u all the encouragement u deserve!! Xx
PS. I NEED MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is an incredible game and I love it so much! The 'strange man' is such a loveable and thrilling character, the story is well-written and so so immersive with the gorgeous art and the different poses/expressions. Thank you so much for making it, I'm beyond excited to see more in the future.
Idea for future update: A route where you ask to kiss him as soon as you wake up and you actually do just stay with him forever 🥰
Thought of the same thing every time I wake up in he's house,god he's so cute 😭💞
not me crying at ending 2 and only realizing when it says in the game
Jogo fofo é perfeito, ainda mais por ter disponibilizado a versão em PT/BR, algo muito difícil em jogos assim. O desenvolvimento com Mychael é bem legal, tô ansiosa para a próxima atualização, ele é um fofo 🫶🏻🫶🏻 Espero que nós consigamos namorar com ele na próxima atualização, deve ser fofo um relacionamento entre eles dois, ainda mais sabendo que ele gosta dela ❤️❤️ Seria legal se a gente pudesse morar na floresta junto com ele, não li muito a lore mais vi que eles não conseguem se reproduzir, por conta disso seria legal ela ir a cidade para adotar alguma criancinha, que fofo seria né? Queria saber mais sobre a espécie dele já que ele aparenta não ter família, e sobre o que é aquela caixa debaixo da cama dele