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Ааааа, это тронуло мое сердечко, я очень буду ждать продолжения! Это так же, игра мне напомнило о моих реальных отношениях с человеком ранее.. Так что вдвойне захватывает дух



Overall, LOVE the game. I **know** it'll be AMAZING once its done!


This game is so cute omg!! and mychael such a soft boy, i love him sm T_T. I neen to play the full game 


I really liked your VN i cant wait to see the next episode ^^


One of my favourite yandere games ever. Amazing job, honestly. Can't wait to play the next update when it comes out.

i miss him so much


Oh wow uhm... I have nothing to say except: Hot mushroom man. Yikes I'm easy.


His facial design is really cool and refreshing

Brazil translation please

we need my bro...ta fd  ja ksks

(1 edit) (+3)

absolutely love it but bro's playing minecraft irl
btw why do I feel like our dude is a fucking plant


he probably is


the shrooms... always the shrooms. gotta watch out for them...



I'm crying..initially I went to the ending that should further develop the plot, but then I decided to go to the other three and oh..I literally burst into tears. I was so sad when he died...I spent too many good times with him on my first playthrough and felt like a monster when he died because of me. This is just an amazing game, I'm really looking forward to the sequel


The game is great and I cannot wait for final release! This was amazing.

Desarrolle una obsesion a este juego, lo necesito completo 😭


I'd love an option for us to invite him with us in the future, I need him in my life!! 😭


The cutest game I've ever played this is so sweet and so cute and idjvskjsdjf I'm exploding as I type this I love this game!!!! Time well spent and I cant wait for it to be continued!!


this,,was so cute, despite the fact that he is in fact manipulating me with spores, he's too cute to be mad at. all the little details are so cool, I like seeing the clear contrast of being affected by the mushrooms before and his own spores. best house husband ever.


lemme smooch the mushroom man before i disintegrate into stardust pls ;v; 


I love it so much <3 he is so cutie  i cant wait to play full game someone knows when this will be out? he is literally my hyperfixation now <3 


I absolutely loved the demo, the art was good, chef kiss, I didn't read the description so I was really caught off guard (in a good wayy), it definitely gave me chills, and confused feelings because he's such a sweetheart but something just isn't right :') 

Very sweet! Looking forward to the next chapter! <3

I can wait for Android version...😭😭👍

This game is SUPER CUTE! Can't wait to play more of it! Great work!

(1 edit)

Delicious demo. that's it ┻⁠━⁠┻⁠ミ⁠\⁠(⁠≧⁠ロ⁠≦⁠\⁠)

Super amazing demo!! Loved the art style and storytelling! I suggestion for the help menu, if you could make the text lighter or add a background to the text it would be a lot easier to read. Otherwise, this was a great game and I look forward to future updates


Hi! This was so cute! Maybe I could translate it for you to Spanish? <3


this is sosososo good its literally perfect. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASEEE FINISH ITTTT

I have played this 3 or 4 times and I've loved every bit of it!(my gf loved it too) <3



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it's too cute, but the plot very interesting either. It’s a pity that Michael is not such a good-natured person(Well, or who is he) :((. After chapter 2 I have a little tears


The art style is sooooo good!! Love the demo and wainting for the rest!!

Holaa, me encanta el juego pero me encantaria mas si estuviera en español, el hecho de estar traduciendo todo a cada rato es un poco cansado. Estoy estudiando ingles pero mi nivel es muy bajo todavia... bueno espero que lo puedan hacer en español ¡¡Gracias por este lindo juego!!

Estoy totalmente de acuerdo, seria mucho mas fácil, aunque por ahora estoy emocionada por ver el final de este juego, y con eso me conformo :3

Yo tambien😭😭. Lo amo, pero me encantaría leerlo en español🥺🥺🍄🍄🍄


¡Hola! Para esto te recomiendo MORT, es un traductor en tiempo real y es buenísimo, me ha sido muy útil para poder traducir novelas visuales en japones. La interfaz del programa está en inglés, pero es fácil de utilizar incluso teniendo un nivel bajo del idioma. ¡Suerte! 🥰 

Ejemplo + Link

(1 edit)

incredible game! absolutely love it! mychael is so cute i cant get enough of him aaaaaa

Mychael is so cute, thank you for this amazing game! Love from Brazil <3


OH my gosh this demo was amazing!! The character design for the stranger is just so immaculate I definitely plan to do some fanart of him!! I'm so excited to continue this adventure once the game is finished!

I'm obsessed I love the art style an now I am cry that I finished it. PLEASE make a full game of this I absolutely love it I need more of this game.

i just finished the demo and omg i love it so much!!! i absolutely adore mychael (ending 2 broke my heart) and i cant wait to play more days with him. im excited for the full game!!! o(≧▽≦)o

I'm obsessed now (⁠。⁠•́⁠︿⁠•̀⁠。⁠) I want more, and want to support but I have no money. So I told my friends about it (⁠ノ⁠◕⁠ヮ⁠◕⁠)⁠ノ⁠*⁠.⁠✧

But anyways in all seriousness I'm excited for the next day (⁠.⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠) I believe in the team!♪⁠ ⁠\⁠(⁠^⁠ω⁠^⁠\⁠ ⁠)

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