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OMGGG this game is.. wow, really i love it.

I need more, good luck with the updates, I'll look forward to them!


Thank you so much for this amazing game, please continue it! The deeper I go, the more I want to find out about him. Looking forward to the next part! 

Oh and sorry for any possible mistakes, english is not my first languange hehe.

I had so much fun exploring this game. Especially the bad endings hab an impact on me.

I enjoyed exploring all of them.



i'm so exited and want play more with this beatiful game because of all things! thank you for such a good game!!

first of all: i like that the mc not simple self-insert line others yandere-games, s/he has a point in different things and sympathy to mychael, but at the same time s/he wants to find cat and for me it's cute!

second is theme of differences, alienation in society and how society reacts to those who has deviations aaand this is really interesting!!! and theme of lonelies and desperate desire for affection, so i can relate with mychael and understand him so well

i want know about him more and i'll wait for future updates!

thank you and wish you success!


Wow, just WOW. I have so many emotions right now:

First, you represented in a very simple and accurate way how low self-esteem works. You implemented it very well in Mychael, who, by the way, is simply very well written. Leaving him as a “Yandere boy” seems little to me, he is his own character, his own person. It is not to belittle other Yandere characters, but I feel that the Yandere personality is usually very poorly explored in the way it should be.

Most games could be summarized in something like this:

*The game warns you that the love interest is dangerous. -Ok, but why is he dangerous?

*Because he is crazy. -Well, and why is he crazy?

Many Yandere characters share the cliché of using “madness” or any synonym of emotional problems to justify their behaviors. However, the clues you leave about the origin of Mychael’s problems allow me not only to make sense of his behavior, but even to identify with him. In two days you knew how to lay the foundations to have an idea of how Mychael’s mind works. You knew how to tell a lot with very little, which left me with a lot of theories in my head. I’m not wondering “why”, I wonder when, how, you already gave enough pieces to put together a chronology, to the point that all I have to do is wait to see which of the theories is the most accurate.

For now, I can only agree with some things. Mychael is someone who was forced to live alone for who knows how long. He genuinely cares about us, but at the same time, he is desperate not to be alone again. He has a perception of reality and of himself that is somewhat radical and negative based on what he experienced in his past (something very identifiable), especially thanks to the way the protagonist also tries to help Mychael.

I congratulate you on your hard work, I am aware that there are other works that explore the psyche of their characters well. But this one in particular, has caught my attention a lot.

Low self-esteem is not a topic explicitly addressed in this type of games, and seeing it reflected with fascinating illustrations, creative writing and with an interesting premise makes you immerse yourself a lot in this story.

I wish you success, many congratulations.❤️❤️🥰


Oh wow, thank you SO much for the thoughtful comment 😭😭😭❤️ I re-read it so many times and I honestly cant write with words how much this comment means to me. 

While Mychael is a more tame yandere compared to other VNs (I've had players tell me they forget he's a yandere in the first place haha!) I definitely wanted him to be more than just the trope itself! As a fan of yan content myself, I kinda agree with you haha. It's almost too easy to say a character is in love with the MC, but why the player of all people? How do they stand out among the rest to justify the shady actions that're usually associated with the lovesick trope?

And aaa tysm <3!! I really wanted to have Mychael be the one to represent himself to the player, and nitpicked everything from what he talks about to how much he talks about it the player through Day 1 and Day 2!  I can only hope I could keep it up for future updates <3!!!


I LOVE everything about this precious game.

I didn't know what to expect and totally fell in love with right away.

Mychael is such a stunning character and I'm dyeing to know how the story will continue.

I was constantly hoping for us to kiss ngl. :')

Very unique style and beautiful artwork.

Please keep up the great work!


Can you play this on your phone


Yo digo que se comió a mi gato.




Yep, he is SO cute ᰔ



im not alowed to download things from the internet so tell me how the game goes because i wanna know RNNNN


This game is so beautiful and I can't wait to see more in the future, Mychael stole my heart from design to dialog. <3


This game is perfect. I adore Mychael. I genuinely cannot wait for there to be more. The art, music, and story is amazing. It's so sweet. The quality is amazing too. I love the glitching/enchantment scenes. They make me so happy.

Also- he and I are very similar. It's nice. I've never seen the mention of kalimbas in any media so seeing him play it was really sweet. 

All in all I cannot wait for this game to continue. I'm sure everyone is eager. 


This game is a masterpiece! Very high quality. 10 out of 10. I'm looking forward to the continuation. Fell in love with this guy😭 Mychael🤌🤌   I wish the author good luck, this is a great game!I recommend the game, you won’t regret it!     There are no viruses. 
I LOVE THIS GAME. MYCHAEL<<<the whole world

(1 edit) (+2)

Mychael is sooooooooo adorable and he has the best design I have ever seen!!! I LOVE EVERTHING in the game. The art and music bring the atmosfere confortable how Mychael try to give to us and this is the first game how makes my heart feel so warm .  AND HE PLAYS kalimba , this man is perfect!!! Play this game is a unique experience. Im happy you shared this amazing project to everyone.

Ah!!!! I love Mycheal so much!!! ♡♡♡




I love the demo, i can't wait for more! 11/10 cozy (and scary) <3

Is this safe to download? Im new to this website lol.

to my experience, anythin on is safe to download

(1 edit) (+1)

No worries! Anything here on is pretty safe to download. I've been downloading any visual novels/games from here if they aren't available on the play store/app for like two years I guess.. And everything here do actually work so well. The moral of what I'm saying is yes, I assure you that it's pretty safe to download anything from here, not just this game. plus, if the website was actually uploading unsafe games and files, it would've been banned or deleted by now..

And oh! By the way, Welcome to! ^0^

tysm u two! I just posted this yesterday and i expected to have to wait like 5 days for a response.

Awww, thank you for your sweet manner! I just happened to scroll here in the comments after I played the game. And it felt nice to get the chance to help someone as kind as you. Anyways, wish you a good luck playing the game, buddy! :-)


Mycheal is so cute, change my mind ToT

Also how do I get into the game I forgor




i cant download why?????? 

(1 edit)

what type of problems are you having? i also sometimes have trouble downloading on this platform in general & ran into some issues with this one (but worked it out) so i might be able to help !

there is an error on the app and it cant read the program. idk why. it happens w this game and some others

I think some have mentioned it's a bug on the app itself. Downloading directly from the site should be able to work. Let me know if it does!

Same here :<


hes so sill y i lov eth is  gme


(1 edit)

I've been seeing a bunch of fanart of this game lately and decided to give it a try. In conclusion, I'm in love with the whole thing. The art is gorgeous, the text and story is easy to follow and interesting. However the best part is our adorable little bean. I love them so much even after all the morally wrong things they've been doing against us. Amazing job on the game. 10/10. :) 

(2 edits)

I have a problem, and that is that when I bring the mouse to, for example, "start" or any option, a small window pops up that says some things between "error" and "origin: (null)" which is, I don't know how to fix it, it appeared out of nowhere while I was playing and now it doesn't stop appearing every time I want to interact with an option, before it didn't happen to me, I even uninstalled it and reinstalled it and from the beginning now that happens to me

Forget it, I already fixed it..


Oh! Did you figure out what the issue was?


This game is so cool! Mychael is such a adorable guy, I already like him. Can't wait for the full game, thank you for your amazing work <3


So I have a Kalimba of my own and I've been trying to mimic the same Melody that Michael starts playing when we're in the field of flowers and I really want to know is there a specific cord chart that I could get, I really want to play it!

I dont personally have the chords haha, but here's a link to the original creator of the audio!


will the full game cost money?

Nah, this project will remain free even after completion :-)

This is a great game mychael is so cute!

(1 edit) (+2)

(No Spoilers)

I'm going to be completely honest.

I am a person who, personally, is very insensitive with games, especially visual novels like broken colors, your boyfriend, something is wrong with sunny day Jack, among others.

But, your work of art... I must stand up from my seat, take off my hat and applaud this beauty that with just one DEMO made me cry my eyes out.

It is a complete beauty both artistically and musically, it is written in a simple but beautiful way, I have no words. You left me totally stunned.

Needless to say, there are events in the game that have happened to me in real life (let it be noted that I had no idea what the game was about, and seeing the only situation in which the main character decides to leave their own house It was a very hard blow because I went through something VERY similar, with the sadly same ending , so I couldn't help but cry like a crybaby)

You do an excellent job, and you have just gained a loyal follower like a dog until you decide to finish your career as an artist.


i love how its cute and sweet while maintaining a sort of creepy undertone! i wanna smooch Mychael so bad

(1 edit) (+7)

I need more of this cute man ToT he's so adorbs and such a sweetheart T-T ABSOLUTELY amazing storyline and art excited to see what day 3 has to offer <333


Absolutely love this game already. Mychael is such a sweetheart i would kill for him. ;]

(I am a normal individual i swear) 


not to be a hypnofreak but this had me shaking and sweating so hard ;;; definitely a good job on that front lol


My friend reccomended this to me and I LOVE IT SO MUCH <333 I am SO excited for when the full thing comes out. Best of wishes to your coding and writing progress!!

So what happened with the Virus? Did you fix it? It's still flagging as having bad scripts. 


I've asked for help in verifying this on tumblr, and people have been kind enough to scan the game files using free and paid antivirus programs. All of them agree it's probably a false positive as the site doesn't recognize Ren'py and deems it as malware.

I also made sure to scan my laptop and the result also came out clean so it couldn't have come from my laptop. I appreciate the concern, really, but so far no one's been having issues with the game files themselves.


I learned how to download shit for this game

(3 edits)
Espero que el virus desaparezca lo más pronto posible 😓 (La verdad que yo lo había descargado más antes de este aviso y la verdad no me paso nada)

JAJA que- no recuerdo exactamente cuando lo descargue pero creo que tampoco me sucedió nada 😳

(1 edit)

You wouldn't know anything happened. Newer virus' don't let you know you have them. They sit in the background and steal your info or mine crypto.

Bueno ya me sacaron el IP entonces 🥰✌

Gente, como que abaixa esse jogo? Tem em português?


This game will be released for Android? i really want to play this game your game look so good and adorable and mah boy mychael is so cute <3, sorry for my bad inglish i from Brazil

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