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Hello deersphereStudios All good? I wanted to say that I really loved lift your spirits a perfect game if one day you can go to Instagram to see the fanart I made of alma If you ever see it and itz_maryhh thank you so much for reading this message byee <3


Thank you so much!! <3 I checked it out and loved them both <3 the Alma chibi was adorable !!!



I really like Alma a lot - they are very sweet and extremely adorable. This was a very enjoyable game, so thank you very much for making it.


soon , soon someone makes an R34 of it xP




I had to have this game for android as well (preferably sansung j7) because it seems light enough and... I don't have a computer x.x


Do you accept fanart?


I'd love to see fanart!

Fun little game with some great artwork and a nice story! :)

thank you <3

Really loved this!

LOVED the game. Super cute but also extremely unnerving.

i can't play it because i have a mac...could you make it for mac? please

mac version is out :-D! ty for being patient


Deleted 335 days ago

Oh my gosh im sorry this is so late but absolutely!! If youre still interested id love to see what you come up with from this silly lil elevator game haha

Nice game B)

Funny, simple, cute, short and well done.

Alma my beloved!!! I wanna try cosplaying them someday!!!

i loved this game sm !!!!! i couldnt bring myself to get bad end 2 just because I love Alma so much.! this is literally a new comfort game,,,, thank you 


I really enjoyed playing through this vn and I absolutely love Alma's deisgn! They were such a look, I love how nonbinary they appear to be (I'm honestly not sure what gender Alma is but I genuinely don't care because cuteness and adorable-ness is not limited to pathetic binary gender codes!!!!)! Also it's a crime that I can't hug them!! I wanna hug Alma!! >:(((

Jokes aside, I physically couldn't be mean to Alma, I seriously enjoyed talking to them even though it was awkward and all, and I know that the good bits are hidden behind when you're rude to Alma, but by god's sake they're so friend-shaped and adorable that i sincerely couldn't push myself to--

Regardless, this was such a nice little visual novel with impressive sound effects (like, seriously I got so scared), wonderful art (something about it just made my eyes very happy), and amazing writing (well from the one two endings I got). Looking forward to more and curse you for making Alma so cute!!! /j.

(1 edit) (+2)

Gosh, I love Alma so much there so cute!! I need that wide-eye stare into a sticker or something it's so cute!! 🥰

You did a fantastic job with the art for this game and the writing/grammar was "smooch" Cheifs Kiss!!😘

I had so much fun voice-acting this out!!🤩

Thank you!! Keep up the good work and stay safe!! 👍

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xd nice editing on ur video ;D

Thanks that means a lot!!🥰


no problem im trying to be a youtuber myself so im learning how to edit thanks for teaching me

Np!!Good luck!!😁


wanna be buddys? weird question 0.0


I want to know if there will be a continuation, I want to see his relationship with her.

Cute little VN, pretty good sprite work, pretty good BG's, e.t.c.
My only negative is that I don't have much to say about it, it's a fairly straightforward meet-cute that is well made. Overall a good thing though so no worries.


Cute short visual novel game. Loved it!

good game

doesn't help that i was watching a FAITH playthrough on YouTube while playing through this and when i got one of the bad endings (where you got what you deserved :troll:), i immediately heard "MORTIS" and then proceeded to shit my pants

good and short game , love alma design if tho she looks a little generic , we need more monstergirls like her 

I love this game! It was so much fun, and the different endings were so cool. The writing and character design were very good. Thank you so much for sharing your game! 

I played this for my YouTube channel, if you're interested you can check it out in a new link here!

i love it!looking for your next game

Alma,is so cute!!!


THE GAME IS SO COOL, SPECIALLY FOR THE EFFECT OR WHEN ALMA INTRERRUPS U AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH btw it'd be nice to see how their relationship goes after the two happy endings

will there be a mac version?


omg u like tempo??? ME TOO


Android version please?

Nice and small story driven game.


it doesn't work, i downloaded it, i click on it to open it, but when i click on it, it doesn't start!! please help :/

Deleted 2 years ago

Por favor, versão android!

This game is simply adorable, love the art.

Loved this!! Really cute and well made.

Short but a really fun game. Nice.

(1 edit)

Great work, I like it a lot, I hope to see more.

This was an adorable visual novel, Alma was so adorable that I felt bad doing the bad endings. Would love to see you make more~

I know it might be a little telegraphed by the page, but I actually was v surprised by the "twist" and like, could not stop smiling and squealing as I went through the game after that. Fucking loved this so much lmao

Great job and I want to see more for sure!!!!

I could only get 3 of the endings! Lovely little horror visual novel, thank you.

i love this woman


I cannot lift shit,

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